Restoration Furniture Repair & Fine Woodworking
We offer a full range of services that covers all aspects of wood finishing and repair work for all of your treasured furniture, including cabinet repair and refinishing, flooring touch-up repairs (hardwood, laminate and vinyl) custom furniture, cane and rattan repair, veneer work, exterior doors and woodwork restoration, moving claim inspections, on site repairs and support. We excel at replacing and replicating damaged parts on furniture and can match colors as stains in house to match your color palette needs.
We primarily service the entire island of Oahu, Hawaii - including Honolulu and its surrounding areas. We can also service the outer islands, though our main shop is located in Waiphau on Oahu. We also service Skagit, Whatcom, Island, San Juan and Snohomish counties in northwest Washington State on a periodic basis - we are currently building a waiting list for when we travel back to Washington (this is based on the number of confirmed jobs we have booked).
Why Choose Us: We have a wealth of 5 star reviews on Yelp from just a few of our hundreds of happy customers and clients. What sets us apart from other providers is our commitment to quality, our focus on customer service, and our integrity. We literally have customers who choose our firm simply because they can trust us with their beloved items and KNOW we stand by our word, will always do our best, and we guarantee our work. Not only that, but we have years upon years (20+) of working in this industry. As a family owned business, we continually work hard to learn, grow, and advance our techniques and materials. Finally, we are also members of the CPPC: Claims Prevention and Procedure Council. We stand by our name, appreciate and honor our customers, and want to do our best in all areas.
Moving and Insurance Claims: We also provide prompt, high quality inspections and estimates for insurance claims, including moving damage claims and are able to do mobile work as well as larger jobs that require transport to our shop. We also offer pickup and delivery services on work for an additional charge. We provide customer contact within 48 hours and provide fully detailed reports with photos also within 48 hours of the inspection appt.
Hotels, Restaurants, Offices, and More: We also service the hospitality industry including restaurants, hotels and various commercial accounts, and are able to work around the operational demands with as minimal an impact as possible. We sell table bases and tops for your service industry needs.
Osteometric Boards: We build customized osteometric boards too! Inquire via email or phone about how our custom boards are built to ensure accurate measuring.
- Joe Van Notric, Owner
Call or email photos for a quote or assistance with your next project!
CALL US: 808-375-3594 (Hawaii location)
360-661-7519 (Washington location)

Gorgeous finish work

Can you find the previous damage?

Downtown hotel in Waikiki

Gorgeous finish work